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Présentation de l'association

The IPPE is a non-profit non-governmental association, Asbl in accordance with Law No. 004/2001 of July 20, 2001, laying down general provisions applicable to non-profit associations and public utility establishments in the DRC under the name of " Initiative for the progress and protection of the environment IPPE/Asbl in acronym", it is governed by the statutes supplemented by the rules of procedure and registered under number 376/2015 of November 17, 2015 of the register of the national office of the city ​​of Goma and a Provincial Order No. 01/416/CAB/GP-NK/2019 of June 21, 2019 on the provisional authorization to operate


This association contributes to the protection of the environment in the Congolese ecosystems as well as to the safeguarding of biodiversity in the region of the DR CONGO and also aims for sustainable development within the communities of North Kivu by accompanying them in their activities, as well as the protection of the environment in these environments.


The scope of action of the initiative for the progress and protection of the environment covers the eastern part of the DRC. This field of action may expand as the association grows and as needed.

However, in an experimental way, it will have to carry out its activities in the province of North Kivu with a particular emphasis in the different territories of the province, its head office is established in Goma 


The IPPE association pursues a series of objectives, in particular:

• Fight against global warming;

• Protection of natural biodiversity;

• Promote the consumption of vegan products and abandon animal products

• Restoration of forests and promotion of agroforestry

• The defense of animal rights

• Reintegration ;

• Promotion and increase of agricultural productivity;

• Peacemaking and conflict management;

• Promotion of education and supervision of young people in arts and crafts;

• Installation of agricultural cooperatives to develop agricultural activities;

• Establishment of development micro-enterprise • Promote and protect nature; • Raising awareness of environmental education in the towns of Virunga National Park; • Initiate the community bordering the Virunga National Park in socio-economic activities for the protection of the park and its natural biodiversity;



For the development and protection of the environment, this association and its CPN Gorilla club have already carried out certain activities:

In 2014 Reforestation in Masisi territory, Buabo group at the end of the fight against global warming, desertification and reduction of natural disasters especially landslides, erosions with the support of membership fees from the IPPE association

In 2014 Beekeeping to facilitate the local community in the consumption of honey and the protection of this biodiversity self-financing of the association

In 2016 Multiplication and distribution of vegetable seeds in the territory of Masisi with the support of the organization of KOKOPELLI France through a donation of organic seeds

In 2016 Launch of a CPN club (Knowing and Protecting Nature) in all branches

In 2018 Supervision of children through educational games in the village

In 2018-2019 Project to set up a permaculture vegetable garden in the territory of Masisi/Buabo-Locality Bulwa Group with the financial support of the organization ANAMA Belgium and KOKOPELLI France

From 2016-2018 Raising awareness on environmental education in schools in the towns of Virunga National Park with the financial support of the Gorilla Rescue Center association

In 2018 Agroforestry project in schools in the territory of Nyiragongo at Ça Zénith and EP MUJA, with the financial support of the Gorilla Rescue Center association

From 2016-2018 Organization of events on World Great Ape Day in the towns of Virunga National Park. With the financial support of the association Gorilla Rescue Center and the association Education Ethique Animal EEA in acronym

In 2020: Project for a community garden and extension of artemisia cultivation to fight against malaria and certain other similar diseases in the province of North Kivu with the support of Maison Artemisia RD Congo and ANAMA Belgium




  • Community garden project for the community of the Buabo Group in the territory of Masisi / Localite Bulwa

  • Project to install a vegetable garden in permaculture and popularize organic seeds in the territory of Masisi/Groupement Buabo-Locality Bulwa

  • Education support project for children in school kits at Masikilizano primary school in Buabo/Masisi

  • Awareness project on environmental education in schools in the agglomeration of Virunga National Park in Nyiragongo Territory

Les projets de l'association :

Afin de stopper les activités anthropiques qui ont eu lieu ces derniers temps dans le Parc National des Virunga, nous nous sommes axés comme perspectives et projets d’avenir:

• Accentuer sur l’importance de grands singes pour notre génération et seules de générations futures;

• Mettre un coup de  projecteur sur l’importance de grands singes pour notre génération et celles des générations futures;

• Atteindre plus d’écoles se trouvant dans les territoires du Parc National des Virunga;

• Mener ses activités autour du Parc National des Virunga dans le cadre de la protection et la conservation de la nature;

• Encadrer des personnes désœuvrées dans des activités génératrices de revenus au tour du Parc National des Virunga pour sa bonne protection;

• Constituer des clubs d’ambassadeurs de la nature dans les écoles riveraines du Parc National des Virunga;

• Ouvrir un centre de cuniculture en territoire de Nyiragongo pour doter la communauté de géniteurs de lapins a n de diminuer le braconnage;

• Épanouir les activités du club CPN Gorilla sur toute l’agglomération du Parc National des Virunga;

• Projet d’agroforesterie en cours au complexe scolaire Zénith;

• Un projet phare:

Des Jardins pédagogiques au sein des écoles primaires:  Complexe scolaire Bisoko, Zénith en Territoire de Nyiragongo et Institut Rona dans le territoire de Rutshuru.
Les enfants vont découvrir ce qu'est un jardin potager, et tisseront un lien avec la population de la province du Nord-Kivu et de l’agglomération du Parc National des Virunga en particulier. A la fois dans sa dimension économique, écologique, mais aussi esthétique car ceci sera une solution pour réduire les activités anthropiques dans cet écosystème qui est une réserve du patrimoine mondial de l’Unesco.
Une partie du jardin sera consacrée aux plantes spécifiques du Nord-Kivu.
Les enfants seront sensibilisés sur la bonne gestion de l’environnement en préservant la biodiversité naturelle, au recyclage des déchets végétaux; à travers la mise en place d'un compostage (éventuellement en utilisant différentes techniques).














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