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Permaculture and us... ​

Installation of a vegetable garden in the Buabo Group/Bulwa locality in Masisi Territory

Background and Rationale

​ Any sustainable development must come from below. Thus, an endogenous development creates an evolution of all sectors, however the primordial sector is the primary sector which turns out to be agriculture and livestock. ​

Nevertheless, in the rural environment, agriculture and animal husbandry are two activities of profitability, agriculture remains the easiest way to earn more income following its accessible applicability in rural environments.

It is in this context that the “Project Installation of a vegetable garden in permaculture focused” within the framework of Multiplication and Diffusion of organic seeds” was designed.

Thus, to avoid the poverty of the population of the territory of Masisi, this project comes to solve a food challenge in this territory through our two antennas established in this entity. Per branch, we have 300 families who are affected by this project, including the schools in place, and this could extend over an area of ​​two hectares per branch.

We believe that thanks to this project, this population will be able to meet its needs, especially in terms of food security, health care, education of children, improvement of housing, improvement of income, maintenance of infrastructure. being other needs. In addition, the activities recommended in this Project correspond to the axis "Improvement of agricultural research, dissemination and adoption of agricultural technology". ​

Location and duration of the project ​

The project will be located in the Buabo Group in the territory of Masisi, province of North Kivu in the Democratic Republic of Congo and will extend over a period of two years from January 05, 2018 to January 05, 2020.

Main Project Objectives Overall

Project Objective The overall objective of the Project is to increase the production of organic seeds in order to contribute to community food security and increase the income of seed producers.

Specific objectives

- Publicize and propagate the organic seed multiplication campaign throughout the province of North Kivu; Solve the problem of undernourishment and malnutrition;

-Increase household income in the local community;

-Facilitate the community's consumption of market garden products;

-Facilitate access to quality seed producers and professionalize the seed sector. ​

Expected results :

The success and completion of this project will achieve the following results:

-Decrease in malnutrition in local households;

-The increase in household income in Masisi territory to 80%;

-Reduction of poverty in the area;

-Development of agricultural service roads to transport production to markets;

-The consumption of market garden products will be at 80%;

-Popularize the organic seed campaign throughout the province of North Kivu from the IPPE/Asbl association in particular and from the DR CONGO in general...

Description des Composantes, Résultats et Activités


Le Projet sera mis en œuvre autour de 4 composantes :

  • Inventaire et acquisition des semences de base de culture biologique.

  • Identification, Organisation et formation des groupes de producteurs de semences.

  • Création et Réhabilitation des Centres de Multiplication et des points de vente de semences.

  • Appui aux Services de règlementation et de contrôle de qualité.

  • Organisation et Gestion du projet





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